QR Code for Marketing Campaign
How QR Codes Smartly Bridge The Offline With Online Marketing Campaign?
Billboards, magazines, newspapers, signage, and coffee table booklets are traditional way of advertising that is still surviving. It can never vanish because there are people who still like the feel of newspapers and magazines. The introduction of QR codes has made such physical mediums more appealing and actionable. QR codes have made it easy for people to make payments quickly because the social distance and non-touching rules are adhered to. People have to just scan the QR codes using the camera of their mobile phones.
The QR code generator can smartly blend your offline and online collaterals. For example, advertise your brand on a billboard including a QR cipher. When someone interested in your brand scans it, they are taken to your website. It means from offline marketing material, users are transferred to your website’s landing page.
If you desire to create a cohesive marketing solution between the offline and online business world then QR codes can help.
What are QR codes?
A QR code is a square-shaped cryptogram that mobile devices can easily read. It is an advanced 2D counterpart of a barcode. It is a white & black box, which contains information like a web address or telephone number, or location. If the code has your website link then when scanned you are directed to a specific webpage. Thus, a bridge between offline customers and the online world is created.

What is QR codes marketing?
QR codes are a potent element of your marketing strategy. It transports an interested client instantly to your product or website. Consumers physically take an effort in initiating the blending process between offline and digital, which is driven by motivation. Motivational spur directly comes from offline marketing material.
What is the QR codes marketing process?
The smartphone camera is used as a scanner by the client and is taken to your URL, where there is a lot of marketing content. The user has already found your offline marketing material motivating, so now you need to ensure that the webpage he/she lands on after scanning is engaging.
Offline material has sufficient information to create curiosity and take action to scan. It is your website where the conversion will take place. In a QR marketing campaign, you will be handling two types of content. Both work differently, but need to encourage potential consumers to take action.
- Offline content arouses call-to-action.
- Online content converts prospects to buying customers.
What is the advantage of QR codes marketing?
- QR codes marketing can be used to target clients based on nation or region.
- QR codes are used in mailers.
- QR codes are effective in public places like coffee houses, college campuses, bar bathrooms, or where waiting occurs.
- Implementing QR codes marketing campaigns is cheap because marketing material resides online and is a one-time expense.
- Offline material is small and cheap than traditional marketing ads.
QR code tracker helps to monitor your campaign in real-time and stay updated. You can retarget customers that scanned and left the store. You can identify a target audience and see what appeals to them and what needs improvement. Using a URL shortener you can monitor your QR code performance 24/7
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