Backlinks & Website Monitoring
Simple yet powerful backlinks and website monitoring tools for single website owners or SEO agencies

These companies find our services useful

Our Monitoring Services
We offer a comprehensive monitoring solution for backlinks control and website uptime performance. With a help of our tools, you will be able to identify and fix issues before they affect your websites and customers.
Website monitoring
Continuous 24/7 website monitoring with instant notification if it goes offline
Backlinks Monitoring
Monitor your existing backlink profile with in-depth monitoring reports.
Donors Reports
Track and evaluate each website that links to your pages with our detailed referral domain report
URL Shortener is a Powerful link shortener with QR Code generator and a complete management dashboard.
Technical SEO Audit
In-depth Technical website scan with comprehensive audit analytic report.
Backlinks Spider
Discover new backlinks, and referring domains that you didn't know about.
Anchors Analytics
Anchor text breakdown for matched, branded, generic, naked, and other texts
Control Links Suppliers
Get quick and easy access to every backlink supplier if you need to restore a lost link.
Website Uptime Monitoring Solution
Ensure that your website is trending and available for users to access 24 hours a day. Don’t lose revenue and valuable visitors ever again. We will continuously keep an eye on your websites and notify you instantly if they go offline.

Website Uptime Monitoring
Stay on top of your website's uptime. Continuous 24/7 performance and security monitoring solution.
Internal Links Monitoring
Regularly scan and complete reports for every broken internal link and broken page on your website.
Outgoing Links Monitoring
Detect and analyze broken outgoing links on your website as well as landing pages with a 404 error page
Advanced Backlinks Checker and Monitoring Services
- Monitor backlink profile
- Monitor spammy anchors
- Backlink suppliers control
- Manage Referring Domains

URL Shortener
Limitless URL shortener service with complete link management and traffic analytic easy-to-use dashboard. Delivering the TOP standard of short links with QR code generator to make your Brand thrive.
Link Building and Content Marketplace
Building website rating is a continuous journey, check our marketplace if you are hungry for more backlinks suppliers or need extra content for your website, blog, or articles.

Our service can benefit small and large SEO agencies as well as website owners. With a powerful and comprehensive backlinks profile checker and website uptime performance monitoring, you can stay on top of your competitors and improve your search engine performance. Besides all the above, you could earn a quality backlink from Linkascope, when registering for our services.

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Company ownerPopular Blogs
Articles and latest news related to SERP, backlinks, SEO, and general online marketing.
Types Of Backlinks in SEO
Search engines evaluate websites based on the algorithm that looks at the amount of referring backlinks and anchor keywords from another website. The backlink is something different from the internal website links and comes from several resources types. Backlinks are Most Beneficial to SEO Editorial backlinks The ideal backlink is an editorial mention that includes […]
How Backlinks Can Effect Domain Rating
Google’s algorithm is built on backlinks. You might be curious as to why domain authority is based on the number of external backlinks pointing to it to arrive at its domain authority score. This is because backlinks are a critical part of SEO. A backlink is a link on an external website that points back […]
Anchor Text Types And Its Importance In SEO
Links are one of the important ranking algorithms on search engines. You may not be aware that anchor text also plays a crucial role in SEO. It is capable to boost your ranking and user experience. There are different anchor text types and their uses. In general anchor text is a link label or a […]